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The Problem

The Problem

What you think: Your brick home is impervious to the elements. What’s actually happening: Water from rain or a garden hose can seep completely through brick (a porous substance) in 20 seconds. Everything around the brick, including mortar and your home’s structure, then becomes damp, as well.

The white film or powder that you may notice on brick surfaces is called “efflorescence.” This is caused when water within the brick evaporates, leaving behind salt. Over time, efflorescence will break down the brick, leaving the structural integrity of your home at risk.

If you notice any of the following signs, your brick may be leaking:

  • Wet drywall inside your home
  • Efflorescence on brick surfaces
  • Water seepage at top of basement walls
  • Dark/discolored masonry
  • Mildew/fungus on masonry
  • Spalling (chipping or pitting) deteriorating masonry

The Solution

The Solution

Sealing your brickwork creates a protective barrier that blocks out moisture. Although it is best to seal brick when it’s new, doing so at any time will greatly extend the life of your brick.

Our team will begin by ensuring that your brick is properly prepared. After pressure washing the surface, we will allow it to dry completely. Both brick and mortar will be sealed simultaneously.

The Concrete Pro Promise

The Concrete Pro Promise

We promise to address the issues in your home as thoroughly as we would in our own. Our reputation depends on your satisfaction. We will not rest until your brick is completely shielded from whatever deluge comes its way.